Hello! Welcome to Talk Nua: Speech & Language Development For Your Multilingual Child.

You’re in the right place for learning how to develop all of your child’s languages without tearing your hair out! I’ll show you what works best, based on research & experience. Not random ideas just plucked from thin air!

You’re also in the right place if you’re worried about your child’s language development- in any language.

Nua is the Irish language word for ‘new’. And Talk Nua is all about new-to-you ways of building your child’s languages from before they’re even born!

Want to get free tips for language building? Get them all here.

Get my expert take on your situation  here.

Winner of a Department of Education & Skills Léargas European Language Label Award







Winner of NUI Galway Explore Award






Featured in 










Let’s get talking!



This is my personal blog. None of the information on this site is intended as a replacement for assessment, diagnosis or intervention by a qualified speech and language therapist. If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s speech, language, or communication, then you need to contact your local health services.